By Crystal Krebs
September has passed, leaving the Marching Band with four weeks left of their 2022 season. They have spent the last few weeks working on getting their show Midas completed and trying to get the rest of the drill down, rain or sunshine. The band has been working on getting their musical notes memorized and completed. Working movement to movement, they are trying to perfect everything that is needed.
They have been dedicated to work hard to make this the best season yet for their seniors. Our seniors for the Marching Band involve our drum major Adeline Lusk and our King Midas Joshua Bissell. The other members of Marching Band that will be graduating this year are Braden Feagle, Karli Gallagher, Harrison Garverick, Seth Gilbert, Mackenzie Golden, Nadalee Hein, Josh Hoffner, Gerald Ketterer, Taedon Moyer, Dominic Nelson, Allison Bushey, Elizabeth Anthony, Brant Bangs, Sarah Bradley, Evelyn Bushey and Ella Falck. The Color Guard seniors involve Carlie Shirk, Kayla Henry, Kat Valdez, Chloe Markle, Lauren Harriman, Alisa Hoverter and Addie Keller.
The Northern Marching Band had a competition on October 22nd. The only competition they had was themselves. Although they did not compete against another school, they were able overall score an 86.060.