Dear Creative Writers,
A lot of you have had lots of time over the course of the past few months to yourselves, while our lives have been changed in one way or another. If you are like me, then you’ve had plenty of time for ideas for stories or poems to pop into your head. With how the world is coming to terms with the way we need to live now, we, too, as creative writers can have a fresh start. Now is the time to write something that you are proud of and put yourselves out there. It may seem frightening to put something that you created into the world where everyone’s opinions are different, but trust me when I say that the more you do, the more confident you will become.
Ever since I was in fifth grade, I loved to write stories of whatever came into my head. I never finished any of those stories as a kid because I always ran into writer’s block. It wasn’t until a few years ago that I was able to overcome this common problem among writers and make a submission of my own. It felt amazing just finishing it to begin with. Since then I have been able to complete one other story, and I’m very proud of both. The newspaper has a submission for creative writers to make themselves known, and I strongly believe that you will feel even better if you decide to submit something.
Some advice that I would like to give you creative writers out there is to keep writing. Don’t let yourself drift away from it, if that’s something that you love, then to do. Write about anything that comes to mind because inspiration can come from anywhere. Don’t rush yourself to finish something that you started. I’ve started so many different stories and built off of one of them to complete my first story. To help with the writer’s block, I know it may be a groaner, but make a basic outline. It doesn’t need to be one like you learn in school. Just say what you want to happen, how it’s going to happen, and go from there. It goes a long way.
Good luck creative writers! Feel free to ask questions!
Mary-Kate Holubowicz